About me!

Hello dear visitor,

My name is Celine Eimann, I am a Swiss-born artist who, after almost five years based in Australia, recently made the move back to the chocolate country.

I studied fine art and visual communications design, and now writing and illustrating children's stories.
I am the author of a children's book called 'Lyli meets the Stone-muncher' and I'm also the illustrator of 'The Sky Dreamer', both published by IP Kidz.

Here, I share a little bit of the big ups, and little downs of being an creative professional...Sometime the creative process feels a litle too much like being in a bubble, so please feel free to have a look around and comment away!

You can also visit my website at www.celineeimann.com

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hello guys...
I was interviewed recently on 33madspirals...Maybe you'd like to read it? Just right here:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

hope one day soon...I'll have a little art studio/shop like that...Thanks for the inspiration Matilou!

Anne Cresci from Laurencefabrice on Vimeo.

Monday, March 22, 2010

My high school diary!

Still finding forgotten stuff in the attic...
look at my last great find: My high school diary!

I let you be the judge if I was paying enough attention in class, but I was certainly perfecting my sense of coloring and composing...
You can notice words like "biology exams", "Math test", or chapters of books I had to study for that day.
I'd say the greatest find was my timetable (the big messy thing blue and red) http://shortenme.net/diary...How did I get in class???Mmmmm...Maybe that's why I did not go very often...

Friday, March 19, 2010

The dark side


I needed to share my excitment!
By moving back to Switzerland...I also was reunited with a lot of the stuff I had to leave behind when I moved half way accross the globe with a 20 kilos suitcase. In particular MY OLD SKETCHBOOKS!
I am always working on one, or two. Little pieces of my life...Good memories, great moments of inspiration...and bad ones too, but yeah well life!
I did not remember I had such a dark style...(side?)
Did I? Do I?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

jet lag adapation


I am getting used to:
the fact that there is no more ocean around... but a beautiful lake ,
that it's not summer, but winter surrounding us
I am getting used to the fact that I should not say "thank you", but "Merci" and that people no longer ask : "where does your accent comes from...french?"

Here I am back in Geneva!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The end of the naughty corner...

Hello Everyone,

I have a big news!
I am moving overseas...moving back to Geneva.
Me and my fiance are very, very excited. It's been quiet a task to get rid off our furniture and pack suitcases under 20 kilos.
I had to part with so many favorites drawing pads, watercolor tubes and friendly paint brushes...(and I am not telling you about all my mini treasures, bits and pieces collected along the way for future art pieces or inspirations!)
I felt strangely guilty to through away most of my material. I just could NOT do it.
I was so happy when a young woman and her 2 little girls came along to have a look at a bookshelf and ended up taking most of my craft equipment. At least I know that my favorites partners in creations will ave another life after me now;)

So this is the end of my Sydney studio...the end of what was familiarly known as " the naughty corner", the real question is...Will I be naughtier in my new studio?
Well...I hope so;)

Lyli and the Stone-Muncher trailer

The Sky Dreamer Trailer

Where you can get a print...